MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id code Price Venue of execution Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amountsort descending Notional currency Publication date and time Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flag
2024-05-08T09:16:47.815371Z ISIN FR0128379395 99.29199 FMTS PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:31:48.009000Z 401121
2024-05-08T09:19:26.933230Z ISIN IT0005584849 100.1 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:34:27.168000Z 401130
2024-05-08T09:20:56.122827Z ISIN ES00000128Q6 93.705 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:35:56.315000Z 401147
2024-05-08T09:21:25.981825Z ISIN PL0000113783 76.09 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-05-08T09:36:26.175000Z 401166
2024-05-08T09:21:26.005276Z ISIN PL0000113783 76.09 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-05-08T09:36:26.175000Z 401167
2024-05-08T09:22:34.013318Z ISIN ES0000012L78 102.89 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:37:34.183000Z 401177
2024-05-08T09:22:38.398900Z ISIN IT0005508590 102.16 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:37:38.591000Z 401182
2024-05-08T09:23:06.854488Z ISIN BE0312797690 98.20036 BMTS PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:38:07.046000Z 401204
2024-05-08T09:23:29.719694Z ISIN BE0312797690 98.20133 BMTS PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:38:29.883000Z 401205
2024-05-08T09:23:29.759644Z ISIN BE0312797690 98.20181 BMTS PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T09:38:29.883000Z 401206
