MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id code Price Venue of execution Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amount Notional currency Publication date and timesort descending Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flag
2024-05-06T07:15:10.506411Z ISIN HU0000404991 66.0718 MCAD PERC HUF 300 300000000 HUF 2024-05-06T07:30:10.652000Z 400049
2024-05-06T07:15:13.332774Z ISIN HU0000406624 102.1927 MCAD PERC HUF 500 500000000 HUF 2024-05-06T07:30:13.455000Z 400050
2024-05-06T07:15:21.812906Z ISIN HU0000406624 101.9544 MCAD PERC HUF 500 500000000 HUF 2024-05-06T07:30:21.982000Z 400051
2024-05-06T07:15:21.818149Z ISIN HU0000406624 101.9544 MCAD PERC HUF 500 500000000 HUF 2024-05-06T07:30:21.982000Z 400052
2024-05-06T07:16:13.310037Z ISIN EU000A3KTGW6 55.18 MCAD PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-06T07:31:13.465000Z 400053
2024-05-06T07:16:13.320667Z ISIN EU000A3KTGW6 55.2 MCAD PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-06T07:31:13.465000Z 400054
2024-05-06T07:17:28.876982Z ISIN EU000A3K4DM9 89.77 MCAD PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-06T07:32:28.998000Z 400055
2024-05-06T07:17:34.373119Z ISIN ES0000012C12 97.15 MCAD PERC EUR 8 8000000 EUR 2024-05-06T07:32:34.509000Z 400056
2024-05-06T07:18:20.470648Z ISIN EU000A3K4EU0 99.43 MCAD PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-06T07:33:20.592000Z 400057
2024-05-06T07:18:53.448275Z ISIN FI4000415153 71.23 MTSF PERC EUR 2.5 2500000 EUR 2024-05-06T07:33:53.646000Z 400058
