MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id code Price Venue of execution Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amount Notional currency Publication date and time Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flagsort ascending
2024-05-15T07:35:53.376006Z ISIN HU0000405550 88.1317 MCAD PERC HUF 300 300000000 HUF 2024-05-15T07:50:53.529000Z 400146
2024-05-15T07:35:53.380792Z ISIN HU0000405550 88.1905 MCAD PERC HUF 300 300000000 HUF 2024-05-15T07:50:53.529000Z 400147
2024-05-15T07:35:53.384810Z ISIN HU0000405550 88.1905 MCAD PERC HUF 300 300000000 HUF 2024-05-15T07:50:53.529000Z 400148
2024-05-15T07:36:15.742826Z ISIN HU0000406624 102.8291 MCAD PERC HUF 300 300000000 HUF 2024-05-15T07:51:15.866000Z 400151
2024-05-15T07:37:41.263487Z ISIN HU0000405550 88.4263 MCAD PERC HUF 300 300000000 HUF 2024-05-15T07:52:41.415000Z 400160
2024-05-15T07:37:52.113746Z ISIN DE0001141810 97.07 MCAD PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-15T07:52:52.235000Z 400161
2024-05-15T07:38:25.788924Z ISIN IT0005408502 98.247 MTSC PERC EUR 8 8000000 EUR 2024-05-15T07:53:25.895000Z 400162
2024-05-15T07:38:25.813809Z ISIN IT0005408502 98.247 MTSC PERC EUR 8 8000000 EUR 2024-05-15T07:53:25.895000Z 400163
2024-05-15T07:38:34.893071Z ISIN IT0005584856 100.46 MTSC PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-15T07:53:35.010000Z 400164
2024-05-15T07:38:34.898932Z ISIN IT0005584856 100.46 MTSC PERC EUR 5 5000000 EUR 2024-05-15T07:53:35.010000Z 400165
