MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id code Price Venue of execution Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amountsort descending Notional currency Publication date and time Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flag
2024-05-15T08:19:21.951168Z ISIN FI4000441878 83.66 MTSF PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:34:22.137000Z 400549
2024-05-15T08:20:27.202176Z ISIN DK0009924029 52.86 MTSD PERC DKK 10 10000000 DKK 2024-05-15T08:35:27.346000Z 400556
2024-05-15T08:21:38.340251Z ISIN IT0001086567 109.27 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:36:38.475000Z 400591
2024-05-15T08:21:38.345153Z ISIN IT0001086567 109.27 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:36:38.475000Z 400592
2024-05-15T08:21:38.355053Z ISIN IT0001086567 109.27 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:36:38.475000Z 400594
2024-05-15T08:23:53.981306Z ISIN PL0000115291 102.3 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-05-15T08:38:54.104000Z 400605
2024-05-15T08:23:53.991677Z ISIN PL0000115291 102.3 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-05-15T08:38:54.104000Z 400606
2024-05-15T08:27:43.056187Z ISIN IT0005514473 100.16 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:42:43.194000Z 400616
2024-05-15T08:27:43.077361Z ISIN IT0005514473 100.16 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:42:43.194000Z 400621
2024-05-15T08:29:29.438469Z ISIN IT0004644735 101.94 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-15T08:44:29.589000Z 400636
