MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id code Price Venue of executionsort ascending Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amount Notional currency Publication date and time Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flag
2024-04-30T14:40:57.946111Z ISIN PL0000112728 95.97 TBSP PERC PLN 5 5000000 PLN 2024-04-30T14:55:58.117000Z 405366
2024-04-30T14:40:57.954210Z ISIN PL0000112728 95.97 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-04-30T14:55:58.117000Z 405367
2024-04-30T14:40:57.960838Z ISIN PL0000112728 95.97 TBSP PERC PLN 5 5000000 PLN 2024-04-30T14:55:58.117000Z 405368
2024-04-30T14:40:57.967559Z ISIN PL0000112728 95.97 TBSP PERC PLN 5 5000000 PLN 2024-04-30T14:55:58.117000Z 405369
2024-04-30T14:50:32.725561Z ISIN PL0000112728 95.96 TBSP PERC PLN 25 25000000 PLN 2024-04-30T15:05:32.872000Z 405521
2024-04-30T14:50:32.734658Z ISIN PL0000112728 95.96 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-04-30T15:05:32.872000Z 405522
2024-04-30T14:57:30.642853Z ISIN PL0000116760 95.94 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-04-30T15:12:30.796000Z 405580
2024-04-30T14:57:30.650695Z ISIN PL0000116760 95.94 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-04-30T15:12:30.796000Z 405581
2024-04-30T14:57:30.666520Z ISIN PL0000116760 95.92 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-04-30T15:12:30.796000Z 405582
2024-05-02T07:35:41.977213Z ISIN PL0000115291 102.36 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-05-02T07:50:42.175000Z 400252
