MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id codesort descending Price Venue of execution Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amount Notional currency Publication date and time Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flag
2024-05-06T14:26:32.743279Z ISIN DK0009922320 123.67 MTSD PERC DKK 10 10000000 DKK 2024-05-06T14:41:32.881000Z 402289
2024-05-06T07:44:02.654228Z ISIN DK0009923138 98.295 MTSD PERC DKK 50 50000000 DKK 2024-05-06T07:59:02.818000Z 400128
2024-05-06T07:45:12.162697Z ISIN DK0009923138 98.3 MTSD PERC DKK 50 50000000 DKK 2024-05-06T08:00:12.332000Z 400130
2024-05-06T14:26:32.763198Z ISIN DK0009923138 98.265 MTSD PERC DKK 50 50000000 DKK 2024-05-06T14:41:32.881000Z 402292
2024-05-06T14:26:32.757668Z ISIN DK0009923567 93.28 MTSD PERC DKK 25 25000000 DKK 2024-05-06T14:41:32.881000Z 402291
2024-05-06T12:14:01.530254Z ISIN DK0009924029 53.83 MTSD PERC DKK 10 10000000 DKK 2024-05-06T12:29:01.701000Z 401414
2024-05-03T12:01:07.638674Z ISIN DK0009924102 83.33 MTSD PERC DKK 50 50000000 DKK 2024-05-03T12:16:07.831000Z 403088
2024-05-03T12:10:08.215348Z ISIN DK0009924102 83.325 MTSD PERC DKK 50 50000000 DKK 2024-05-03T12:25:08.349000Z 403156
2024-05-03T12:24:45.777495Z ISIN DK0009924102 83.315 MTSD PERC DKK 50 50000000 DKK 2024-05-03T12:39:45.885000Z 403271
2024-05-06T14:26:32.743155Z ISIN DK0009924375 83.93 MTSD PERC DKK 25 25000000 DKK 2024-05-06T14:41:32.881000Z 402288
