MTS Cash - Delayed


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Trading date and time Instrument id code type Instrument id code Price Venue of execution Price notation Price currency Quantity Notional amountsort descending Notional currency Publication date and time Transaction id code Post trade deferral Report status Flag
2024-05-08T14:23:31.491576Z ISIN ES0000012K20 83.52 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:38:31.639000Z 404422
2024-05-08T14:23:54.493745Z ISIN IT0005538597 100.85 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:38:54.677000Z 404435
2024-05-08T14:24:04.114684Z ISIN EU000A3KSXE1 82.12 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:39:04.293000Z 404437
2024-05-08T14:25:42.819695Z ISIN EU000A3K4EN5 101.13 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:40:42.954000Z 404443
2024-05-08T14:27:18.290156Z ISIN PL0000105391 101.25 TBSP PERC PLN 10 10000000 PLN 2024-05-08T14:42:18.409000Z 404463
2024-05-08T14:28:26.008782Z ISIN IT0005557084 100.199 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:43:26.173000Z 404472
2024-05-08T14:28:26.047713Z ISIN IT0005557084 100.198 MTSC PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:43:26.173000Z 404478
2024-05-08T14:29:16.385169Z ISIN EU000A3LNF05 101.83 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:44:16.560000Z 404511
2024-05-08T14:29:39.481492Z ISIN EU000A3LNF05 101.83 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:44:39.593000Z 404512
2024-05-08T14:29:39.488708Z ISIN EU000A3LNF05 101.83 MCAD PERC EUR 10 10000000 EUR 2024-05-08T14:44:39.593000Z 404513
