Market Data

  • Market Data

Here you can find the Terms and Conditions regulating the licensing by EuroMTS Limited of market data to Vendors, End Users and customers.

The contractual relationship between EuroMTS and the licensees shall be regulated by the relevant Order Form, Terms and Conditions and Policy Schedule available here below and the applicable Fee Schedule. If you would like to receive the Order Form and the Fee Schedule please write to


Terms and Conditions - Real-Time Data, BV Composite, Delayed Data, Reference Prices, Reference Data and Snap-Shot Data (including BV Composite Snap-shots and MTS Cash Snap-shots).

MTS Data Terms and Conditions (End Customer) - Effective January 2024

MTS Data Terms and Conditions (Vendor) - Effective January 2024

Policy Schedule

MTS Data Policy Schedule - Effective 7 June 2024

Additionally, End Customers of Real-Time Data will also need to complete the relevant Data Usage Declaration which can be found here below:

MTS Real-Time Data Usage Declaration

MTS Real-Time Data Usage Declaration - Effective January 2024 - for Refinitiv customers only

MTS Real-Time Data Usage Declaration - Effective January 2024 - for customers accessing via vendors

MTS Real-Time Data Usage Declaration - Effective January 2024 - for customers accessing via direct connection

MTS Real-Time Data Fee Schedule

MTS Real-Time Data Fee Schedule - Effective 01 January 2024

MTS Live

MTS Live Terms and Conditions - Effective January 2024

MTS Live Policy Schedule

MTS Alpha

MTS Alpha Terms and Conditions - Effective June 2024

MTS Alpha Policy Schedule - July 2020

Derived Data - Product Licence Agreement

MTS Data - Derived Data Product Licence Agreement - Effective January 2024 (Template - for information purposes only) 

Real-Time Information To Financial Intermediaries - Data Licence Agreement

Data Licence Agreement - Financial Intermediaries

MTS Time Series - Terms and Conditions

MTS Time Series Terms and Conditions – Effective January 2024


MTS Trade Blotter, SFTR Blotter, Order Life Cycle & Algo Overview

MTS Trade Blotter, SFTR Blotter, Order Life Cycle & Algo - Terms and Conditions

SFTR Trade Blotter Fee Schedule – Effective 01 January 2023

MTS Delayed Data Redistribution & Non-Display Fee Schedule 

MTS Delayed Data Redistribution & Non-Display Fee Schedule

MTS Market Data Transparency Obligation Disclosures

MTS Market Data Transparency Obligation Disclosures